The Privacy POLICY

Privacy Statement

What can we do with your data?

When you purchase something from our store in the selling and buying process, we collect the details you provide us with regard to your personal data like your name or address, as well as email address.

We collect automatically your IP address when you browse our site. This allows us to better understand your browser and operating system.

If you agree, we will send emails to keep you informed about the latest items, products and our store as well as any other information.

Section 2 CONSENT

How do you obtain my permission to purchase?

In providing us with the information regarding yourself in order to complete a transaction, check your credit card or place an order, or arrange for a return of a purchase and/or to receive a shipment, we assume you are willing to allow the collecting of this information for these specific purposes.

You will be asked to consent if you provide us with personal information for any other purpose.


Our Terms of Service allow us to disclose your personal information if laws require it or when they are violated by someone else.


The majority of companies we employ as third party providers are only able to collect, process and share your personal information in the extent required to enable them to carry out their services to us.

But some of the third-party service providers including payment gateways and other payment processors could have policy on privacy in relation to the data we\’re required to supply to them.

It is crucial that you carefully read these privacy policies to fully understand the way these companies deal with your personal information.

Be aware that certain service providers might reside in or operate facilities that are located a different jurisdiction than either you or us. It is possible that you must follow local laws in relation in a transaction that requires the services of a third party.


To protect you We employ industry-leading practices be aware of the risks, make sure to take steps and follow reasonable safeguards, so that personal information isn\’t inappropriately misused, lost, mistreated, access or divulged, altered, destroyed, etc.

If you provide us with the details of your credit card The information you provide us is secured with secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with a AES-256 encryption. Although there is no 100 security method to transmit data over the Internet and then storing it electronically We are in compliance with the PCI DSS standards.

Section 6, Age of CONSENT

When you use this website by using this site, you warrant that you are at least the threshold of majority for your state or province of residence, or you are the maximum age for your state or province of residence and you have granted us permission to permit any of your minor dependents to access this website.